Finding Home While Studying Abroad in Seville, Spain
My study abroad experience was full of incredible emotions, adventures, lessons and new friendships. Studying abroad in Sevilla opened my eyes to a multitude of new cultural traditions, languages, friends, and endless memories.
An iconic staple of Sevilla, the Giralada.
What I Captured
Through these formative four months abroad, I embraced the culture and traditions of Sevilla and gained new lessons and friendships. I aimed to document my personal travels and experiences in Sevilla, but also the beauty of creating a new meaning of home.

The window from our apartment that became our familiar view and slice of home and familiarity in Sevilla.
Spanish Culture and Traditions
In a place that seemed foreign not so long ago, I grew comfortable in Sevilla, falling in love with bright orange, citrus trees, sounds of flamenco dance, and rich traditions such as Feria and Semana Santa.

Taken on one of my first days in Sevilla, witnessing the flamenco dance underneath the Plaza de Espana.
In Sevilla, I developed my own version of home.
I found my favorite trails to run on - the paved path along Rio Guadalquivir, my favorite grocery store in the neighborhood, and nightly traditions with my four roommates.

My favorite running route in Sevilla, the paved path along the Rio Guadalquivir.
The experience of studying abroad, although extremely daunting at first, is unmatched. The opportunity to fully immerse yourself into a new culture and learn about the language, sports, religion, festivals, and lifestyles is incredible.

The first Sevilla FC futbol game where I saw the passion of the fans, with almost every seat in the stadium filled.

A picture of two of my roommates and I at the Feria de Abril. It was incredible to fully immerse ourselves in the festival and observe the dancing, outfits and music.
In CEA CAPA classes, we learned from locals and experts on the beauty of various festivals, importance of sport in Spanish culture, and different traits of the Spanish lifestyle.

One of the most special and beautiful festivals during the springtime in Spain, Feria de Abril.
Soon enough, the unfamiliar, maze-like paths of the Santa Cruz neighborhood become your short cut routes, and the smell of the azahar and orange citrus becomes incredibly familiar.

Taking a walk down the narrow streets of the Santa Cruz neighborhood.
Study Abroad Excursions and Friendships
Throughout my experience, I learned that studying abroad alone doesn’t have to be lonely – soon enough you can develop close friendships traveling Europe, exploring your home city, and taking classes together. CEA CAPA organized plenty of travel excursions for us to partake in, including Lisbon, Cordoba, and Granada.

One of our three excursions organized by CEA CAPA in Lisbon, Portugal. These were great opportunities for my roommates and I to travel together and not have to worry about planning activities or hotels.
The excursions allowed us to explore new sights near us, with many opportunities throughout the weekend trips to make the most of our short time in a new city.

A photo taken on one of our last days in Sevilla, along the Rio. Study abroad can create the most special friendships!